[Mccoypottery-talk] Upgrading NS, was: Using NS and not MS
Sat, 12 Jul 2003 23:55:34 -0100
I have netscape 4.8 and it has all the plug in as long as you update
your java etc what it doesn't have is Mozzilla which is what crashes
on me . I have no problems getting into any site that is not just IE
supported some do only use IE html but more then 80 to 90% do work
with both . If I ever have to stop using netscape 4.8 due to
incompatiblity then I will go with IE I don't pay for cable braodband
to have to use an AOL clone. And I wouldn't count Nescape 4.XX version
completely out yet too many people are asking sun to rethink its
position on it and with aol losing ground as an ISP and stock
prices keep going down they will eventually give the users what they
want. Lots of sites won't change to be compatible with netscape 6 or
7 . the mozilla was a bad Idea when it was just a browser on its own
and in combination with the way aol has sun making the new
netscape its even worse. I don't have a new computer with 2or more
ghz of speed my computer is almost 8 years old a dell but with all
my upgrades that i did it runs as good if not faster then my daughter
brand new Dell pentium4 2.5 ghz. But my bios are not used anymore
so many of these buggy programs make it act up and I have to do my
own riggging with the programming to get them to work .
Items I have listed On iOffer it's not an auction its better!!
My eShowcase Collectors Niche & Cheap Eclectic Chic
(shabby deco retro chic without the high prices)
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