[Mccoypottery-talk] Photo Munging,was: Testing new Pottery photo album

acp acpearce@io.com
Tue, 15 Jul 2003 00:51:01 -0500

My note about Irfanview was not meant exclusively for you.
I believe several people on this list sell things on ebay and elsewhere
and therefore post pics with the ads.   I'm also sure not everyone
can afford to buy a full version of Photoshop and some wouldn't,
if they could.  I thought, for those people who would like a nice,
capable graphics application, but don't have a lot of patience
with tedious processes, Irfanview would be an excellent option.

I assure you, I did not mean to imply that you need to get Irfanview,
so that you can improve the quality of your pictures.  Your pics are
just fine as they are.  

Patti wrote:

>I too have  a  potog  back ground and cerification in  graphic and
>cmmercial art.  and i do have   all the programs  free and   paid
>sometimes   pics just are   not suited to   editing  . to get perfect .
>and mostly I do   19 picson exteneded   never  high quality  or fine
>unless Iam takign  digitals for   friend or family of children etc.
> I am artritic and have several  illnesses  I will never  be cured of so
>I am  not  really alll that  worriedabout   perfect pics   if they show
>good  they are   fine  for what I  use them for if I need better I do
>better.  home house an hubby  are   my priorities right now   and take
>more time than  I have to play with my images but  soon I can do a bit
>better.  I have in the past  tried   perfection and  burned out
>sellingon ebay   so I am not goign there again.  thansk for the tips
>but  i  will  just di it  my way  for now its faster.

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