[Mccoypottery-talk] Help Identify, OT
Sat, 19 Jul 2003 00:02:12 -0100
I have been to that site but most of that info I already knew
except the excerpts about the clay and who bought the company. I
will be making a newsletter and adding info on various pottery
companies what they made different clays and how to stuff once
every two weeks to once a month . this will be sent as a special
notice from the all-PandP-connect list. and it will also be in
files on yahoo groups for viewing and references. all potteries
will be covered as well as porcelains even foreign like japan etc.
If any members has anything they would like to add to our
newsletter let me know. events too will be scheduled and things
like hats hot and what's not. I want to thank those who have taken
time to become moderators jen Mark etc. membership is growing
well. Remember you can still post your pictures to Ohio
Potterylovers for everyone to see as well as store some on both
list sites Lets not forget to email thiose pics o everyoen can see
them not everyone will be joining P&P and some people who have
joined us also are not on either Mccoy talk or lovers lists.
Items I have listed On iOffer it's not an auction its better!!
My eShowcase Collectors Niche & Cheap Eclectic Chic
(shabby deco retro chic without the high prices)
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