[Mccoypottery-talk] too much mail on the list?

BarbCrews barbc@thecookiejar.net
Wed, 04 Jun 2003 10:11:50 -0500

For those who want to reduce the number of notes in their mailbox, but 
still want to subscribe,
I suggest you try the digest version of this newsgroup.

You would get all the messages in one VERY LONG email. It says that they 
are sent once a week, but I wonder
if it is sent more often, depending on the messages.

Anyway, it's an option that I've used (on other lists) when I am away from 
my computer on vacation, etc and don't want to be overwhelmed when I get back.


Look at the "to list" drop down menu, and change that to digest. And on the 
"action" menu, click on change settings.
This should work -- I've not tried it on this list, but I've done it on 
several others..


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