[Mccoypottery-talk] Slow, let's start a conversation!
Betty Nelson
Thu, 19 Jun 2003 08:59:01 -0500
Someday I am going to have the wallpocket that is a birdbath with a littl=
e bird perched on it. We were poor farmers and my mom did not have a bunch=
of fancy vases or wall hanging. Most of the things she had came from the =
local 10 cent store. In Okla. the most common one was TG&Y. They would som=
etimes put a table out on the sidewalk and put cracked, chipped or other no=
n-perfect things out there. Usually they were 10 cents!! Mom bought the bi=
rdbath and a wingtip was boken off.=20=20
She made some of the home made 'play dough' and rebuilt the tip and stain=
ed it by rubbing my crayolas between her fingers and rubbing it on the repa=
ir. Noone ever knew it was broken but me. I have found most of the cracke=
d or chipped Francoma that mom had and some other vases and things.
I also want a jardieer on a pedistal some day but don't have my heart set=
on one single one. Betty the Okie in Ia.
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