[Mccoypottery-talk] Re: [Fwd: Message too long.

acp acpearce@io.com
Sun, 22 Jun 2003 23:17:49 -0700

I KNOW WHY I'm receiving the message.  That was not the issue.
The issue is that daemon sending the message, is not smart enough
to attach your original email to the list.  Hence, you have no idea
what message it's referring to.  This is not a logical process/procedure.

Patti wrote:

>This   message comes  from list Mom when  we  add the original messages
>in to our replies  if they keep getting  replied to they go over the
>limit in size.
>If need be  turn of add original message with reply and copy  and past
>the  parts you are answering it will keep the  size down and show the
>original question or  statement  or  put part of  the  question or
>statement  in the subject line so whomever you are replying to will
>know  its  for them . .
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*  A. Collene Pearce  *  acpearce@io.com  *  www.jump.net/~collene *

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