[Mccoypottery-talk] OT: look out for this

acp acpearce@io.com
Fri, 27 Jun 2003 13:30:45 -0700

Betty Nelson wrote:

>Yes I got this email also.  I deleted him but I have still gotten so much
>extra spam all saying I had signed up and giving me a place to click to
The garbage I get from the US, typically says I signed up and I have
NEVER signed up for these things and I've never signed any agreement
which says "we occasionally share your address with business partners....".
I'm sure they have absolutely NO proof any of us "signed up" anywhere,
but I'd love to be able to demand the proof from them.  ;-)

>remove my name.  I think that every time I click on the remove my name it
>just tells them that someone at this address acutally reads mail so they
>sell my name for more. 

I've always suspected this to be the case.  ;-)   I also think that when 
remove you from one list, they put your address on 5 other lists.  They
just keep changing the name and addresses of the lists.

> I filter out anything that says 'free, lotto,
>credit, money' and some other words also.  

I've not got any "lotto" ads yet.  I better knock on wood.  ;-)
I get everything else, though.  I've tried to find creative ways of
entering filter criteria, so as not to block friends and relatives who
could say just about anything in their subject lines.

I've not figured out how to filter out the porn ads, for the most
part, without blocking normal email, as well.


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