[Mccoypottery-talk] panda planter?

Patti jplev1@comcast.net
Sun, 23 Mar 2003 23:15:38 -0200

Np Panda In the Brush-Mccoy book  but there is one with a cradle  in the
McCoy book 1950's Panda and crib ^" Marked Mccoy 2 white with cold paint
value 75 to 1100.00 as of  97 when  My book was  published  it could be
more now or less  Did someone ask about a  zebra  planter before? they
did make one   its a  Mom zebra and colt   or foal. it is in the HNH
book. They also made a Panda CJ  .upside down panda which I be has  been
repoed . Shawnee also made a  zebra  with the planter behind it a
cruder  then the McCoy  but cute Shawnee also made a panda and cradle
planter .pic would help  it could be  from another co.
anyone intersted in plnaters  mccoy  shawneed or  any type   animale
etc  or other  pottery let me know I  am  in finacila   difficulties
and  must sell   a lot  soon . I am looking  into  chapter 7    but am
afriad  I may have to lose my house if I file. .

Items I have listed  On iOffer it's  not an auction its better!!
My eShowcase Collectors Niche & Cheap Eclectic Chic
(shabby   deco retro chic without the high  prices)
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