[Mccoypottery-talk] Burlap Bag Cookie Jar
Sun, 30 Mar 2003 19:21:12 -0500
It looks fine and the McCoy is very clear and crisp which it usually isn't
on the fakes.
I don't need two of them so wanted to make sure before selling one of them.
BTW, I read the McCoy pages this morning and I'm confused. Did Nelson work
with other potteries after his pottery closed?
It appeared that way in the article I read but I wasn't sure. If so did the
pieces also have McCoy on them, or another mark?
Was Shawnee pottery made by the same people who made McCoy? That would
explain why so many pieces are so similar.
And another question if I haven't asked enough already..... Did Nelson do
any designing or was that solely artists who were employed by the pottery?
Jennifer Smith
Capriherb Farm
Baltimore, Ohio
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