[Mccoypottery-talk] Clay land mines &fish & fowl

Betty F. Nelson bettyfnelson@mchsi.com
Wed, 21 May 2003 09:22:31 -0500

No Quita they are not up for grabs.  The fish & fowl was wanted for
insurance purposes.

I would love to have a clay mine also.  I have some friends????? that I play
brain games with by finding the unusual wierd things that no one knows what
they are or what they were ever used for. I got that land mine picture and
was ask if I thought it might be an unusual candle holder.  I thought I
recognized the picture itself and ask that he send me a picture of it
standing on its edge.  Of course he couldn't because all he had was a
picture.  That is not the way the game is played.  You are supposed to have
the object in your possession.
Would any one out there like to try to identify my mystery item???  I have
had it almost 2 years and no one can figure it out.

NOTICE to all, it you ever find 2 clay land mines Quita and I want a chance
to buy them.

Betty, the Okie in Iowa.

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