[Mccoypottery-talk] Fakes and books

Betty F. Nelson bettyfnelson@mchsi.com
Sat, 24 May 2003 07:29:21 -0500

Trey, If you are interested in cookie jars the best books as far as I am
concerned is the 2 vol set byErmagene Westfall. Those 2 books are really
great for the older jars and sometime the books are hard to find.  I don't
know if you can get new fresh copies of these of if you will need to look
for used ones like I did.  They are still my favorites and I have found more
unfindable jars in there than any place else.  Mike Schneider has a very
good cookie jar book and you just can't do cookie jars unless you subscribe
to the About collecibles and the cookie jar collectors.  In fact go to
www.about.com and you will find info on everything.  Our Barb Crews does the
collectibles  section there.  Vol. II if the HNH series has good CJ info.
For McCoy books I personally like the one you bought. I like the Jeffrey
Snyder book also.  The 3 vol set of the HNH books are considered the best by
many people.  Quita's picture is in them with the proper recognition given.
The Vol III gives the complete index of what all they have in Vol I and II
also.  They have many of the original catalog sheets and do a good job of
giving the measurements of the original piece.  If you are really wanting to
buy books go online to the Collector Books and I think you only have to buy
6 books to get cheaper prices.
Fakes is looking and reading enough that you know that McCoy never made a
Little Red Riding Hood jar and not believing the seller that is so
convienceing when she tells you that this is a very rare thing that she
found in her grandmothers attic.       Betty
----- Original Message -----
From: "Trey Triggs" <trey2558@yahoo.com>

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