[Mccoypottery-talk] One last word from Terry

Patti jplev1@comcast.net
Wed, 28 May 2003 22:47:12 -0100

Pat you can still file fraud against the guy who took you on ebay if you
still have the info on him .
people think its not worth the time or trouble but even for a small
amount its the principle , The FTc investigates for even small amounts
on general principle  my daughter filed against a guy for 9.00 plus
shipping and  he got  his   fraud notice and  cleaned up his  act ,
refunded her money plus shipping and tried to take back  his neg.
feedback 9 of course ebay  denied  his request)  it scared the begeebers
out of him . The man was abusive  evasive and ignored my daughters
please for a refund on an item he  misrepresented as something  totally
different . If  more of these petty anti guys or  gals got filed on
which cost nothing  to do then maybe there would be less  and less of
the bigger con artists  who once were just  small time .
Fraud is fraud even if its  just for a few bucks . In time  these small
bucks  we may lose to  this type person adds up  . It only takes a few
minutes to fill in the form online . Ebay  won't give you satisfaction
they want you to pay  15.00  for  their  own  mediation  and its not
worth it  in my view going  directly to the ftc  fraud pages   is  the
best way to handle  these  creeps.  Hope eveyone wil  think about this
who has been  ripped off  online  anywhere not just ebay. Patti

Items I have listed  On iOffer it's  not an auction its better!!
My eShowcase Collectors Niche & Cheap Eclectic Chic
(shabby   deco retro chic without the high  prices)
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