[Mccoypottery-talk] OT silly stuff, was: you'll have to wait one more day ...

Mark Jennings mjtn@bellsouth.net
Sat, 31 May 2003 04:03:34 -0500

This stuff is so "southeastern" of people. I don't know "dove683" and a few 
of the others that I won't name, but they've just *got* to be from the 
southeast. (By the way, I thought a dove represents peace ...?) I don't 
know if people here don't really have lives, or if it's something in the 
water, or what it is, but this is very typical of most of us redneck 
hillbillies. I SWEAR I don't know how it is that I grew up here .....  If 
there's someone out there who you feel rubs you the wrong way every time 
there's discourse, then leave that person alone! Why do you feed off of 
descension? There's something a little bit sick about that, if you ask me. 
(oh! you didn't ask me? And I didn't ask for your silly, ridiculous remarks 
which is what started this "discussion").

ok, I'll stop now before I start. No, I hadn't started yet. I'm not even 
warmed up.

see y'all later,

At 11:40 PM 5/28/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>I know emotions run high with the repros., jensen, etc...but I'm tired of 
>feeling that I've been personally attacked...I'm not asking for anyone's 
>support.  I'm tired of this mess.
>After having a long, long trip for a medical appointment, I thought I'd 
>check my mail when I got in tonight.
>The last post I'd made was concerning the find I'd made so I assume this 
>mail I got was concerning it.
>Subj: (no subject)
>Date: 05/28/2003 5:03:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time
>From: <mailto:dove683>dove683
>To: <mailto:McQuita>McQuita
>   if  its  coming  from  roger  jensen  its  not  worth  anything
>This is very childish and from now on, I refuse to comment on any 
>silly   and immature e-mails. There are more important things in life than 
>this kind of attitude.
>Have a good night/day.

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