[Mccoypottery-talk] Repros???

McQuita@aol.com McQuita@aol.com
Sun, 23 Nov 2003 09:26:58 EST

My tips for a newby would be:  Have a good mccoy cookie jar referencebook and 
study it. HNH, vol. 2 is a good one I like...if it's not in there, chances 
are it's not   a McCoy  cookie jar.  Visit malls, markets, fleas, etc and pick 
up pottery...get a 'feel' for the weight of mcCoy..study he glazes, the colors, 
and you'll soon learn to spot the genuine article.  don't be afraid to ask 
questions...we have a world of information available through this very e-mail 
loop and people are willing to share.  There are newsletters available..The 
McCoy Pottery C ollectors Society has a quarterly newsletter as well as the NM 
Express, an established McCoy newsletter....visit web sites on pottery. The McCoy 
Pottery Col. Society has a web page that has a link on repros...That link can 
be found off my site. Quita.net.  Don't be afraid to persue the hobby, just 
educate yourself.

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