[Mccoypottery-talk] Mammy CJ - BEWARE!!!
McCoyPottery.com List Mom
Sun, 12 Oct 2003 22:00:21 -0500
On Sunday, October 12, 2003, at 09:38 PM, CATMADDIL@aol.com wrote:
> ya no kidding, thats why I told her not to buy from ebay, I looked for
> a number, and don't see one worth mentioning! Just for kicks, hows
> 2663741694?
How do I know?
Look at the crazing. It is way too uniform. The dead giveaway however
is the paint on the face and scarf. Just about every mammy out there
is missing paint in some way or another. This is not usual wear that
caused this in most cases. It has more to do with the fact that that
paint was applied after the jar was glazed. You note this jar is
crazed to death, but the face and scarf is not. It stands to reason
that if the glazing crazes underneath the paint, paint will chip.
This is a FAKE. Do not buy.
Finally, D O N O T B U Y O R B I D O N A N A U C T I O N T H A
T I S B E I N G O F F E R E D B Y A P R I V A T E S E L L E R !
! !
Private sellers ALWAYS have something to hide. Only buy from a seller
that lists their email address and other contact info, and allows you
to see their feed back.
Gee I wonder who this one is? :-)
The List Mom
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