[Mccoypottery-talk] smiley faces mccoy/cookie cutters
Fri, 09 Apr 2004 19:41:36 -0500
Harvey Ball started the Smiley Face as we know it today.
I wrote a little note about him when he passed away three years ago this week.
It does explain the origin of the happy face we all love.
It looks like the links are dead on the article so I will be taking them
off later this week.
I bought a small McCoy Happy face mug last week for $10., drinking tea out
of right now. They also had the cookie jar for $40. which I thought was a
great price, but I already had one.
Hope this helps.
As for your cookie cutters, there is a similar group of cookie cutter
collectors that mostly share recipes, but also talk about their cutter
collections. They aren't very active but might be something you would be
interested in. I can send you the url for them if you're interested.
At 05:56 PM 4/9/2004, you wrote:
>I am new at the internet and computers, so please bear with me. I look
>forward to watching daily what all the Mccoy lovers chat about. I learn
>so much.. Two things that really get to me, is how can anybody really want
>to unsubscribe, and the new collectors need to get a book to begin
>with!!! Anyway, I am a Mccoy collector as well as a cookie cutter
>collector. The other day, I was shocked to come across an old
>red "smiley face" cookie cutter. Just what came first??? Mccoy smiley
>face pottery, or the red smiley face cookie cutter?? Did one take the
>idea from the other??/ I am unable to find any info on the internet, nor
>any books devoted strictly to cookie cutters. Any help most definitely
>appreciated. Also, what does the HRM on the cutters stand for? What
>years are they from? I have 16 gallons of jars full with the
>cutters, only have 3 green and 2 blue, must be more rare. It's my first
>time writing into the Mccoy group, so am excited for any
>replies. <mailto:Jzlogcabin@aol.com>Jzlogcabin@aol.com
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