[Mccoypottery-talk] Need information

Swampy swampy@pinn.net
Sun, 22 Aug 2004 11:40:46 -0400

East Coast Virginia...I live deep in the country across from the
historical..the Great Dismal Swamp..hence the name...Swampy..;-D

Have been collecting McCoy for many years..but having to raise four
daughters...college..weddings.and running an Arborist business...I stopped
as I did not have the time...or the money to pay the prices antique stores
wanted for them...

I discovered Ebay...knew about it..paid it no attention..until I was in an
antique store one weekend..and the price on a piece was so out of
sight..thought I would do a little research..and low and behold..MCCOY ON
EBAY..hee hee..well can we say..I went a tad over board...and can we also

I do have one piece that I do not see in books or ebay... are we allowed to
attach a picture on our post? would like some feedback on it.

Afraid I have duped once...but thank heavens it was for a smaller price
item...My mind did not tell me that folks would be copying molds and selling
then as McCoy...then read on the McCoy site about the patent...oh me...so
now really watch and read..and can pick out a lot of the fakes.. this
particular dish surprised me as no one bid and I had lost to a large bid on
another one..same type..;-( so was thinking..maybe I have been taken once
more...they knew something I didn't.

Thank you for a reply..I may be new..but I have been collecting a long time
and thought it would be fun to converse with others about their fines....


----- Original Message -----
From: <bettyfnelson@mchsi.com>
To: <mccoypottery-talk@lists.mccoypottery.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2004 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: [McCoy Pottery-talk] Need information

> Barbara I read your post the other day but was up to my ears making
> I want to welcome you aboard.  I was like you I wondered if the entire
> had gone on vacation at the same time.
> What part of the country are you living in?  I can't help you at all on
> relish tray.  I don't have any measurements.  Betty the Okie in Iowa
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