[Mccoypottery-talk] Sigh....

Ohio Pottery & Glassware capriherb@earthlink.net
Tue, 3 Feb 2004 16:30:23 -0500

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RE: [Mccoypottery-talk] Off TopicI just got an email from an eBay bidder ab=
out my cookie jar.
Being that I'm more for getting the "real" McCoy out there at this point ra=
ther than making money on mine, I went through the 3 PAGES of Mammy Cookie =
Jars that are listed right now.=20=20
Since I have my eBay set to look at 50 items at a time, that is 120 items f=
or Mammy Cookie Jars.
Now granted some legit ones are out there that are not McCoy, but most of t=
hem are knock-offs on the real McCoy.
 I came up with the following auctions where the jars do appear to be real.=
  It appears that some folks decided to take my wording and use it in their=
 ads, but that's okay if they are selling the real thing.  Anyway, here are=
 the numbers of the ones that look legit if anyone wants to bid:=20=20
3701533194, 3700941783, 3269988998, 3700974996, 3270422039

Jennifer  & Rodney Smith
Ohio Pottery and Glassware
Baltimore Ohio

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