[Mccoypottery-talk] Introduction

Julie Peterson silversurfer00@comcast.net
Wed, 18 Feb 2004 18:49:54 -0600

I figured since everyone else was introducing themselves I would too.   Hi,=
 my name is Julie and I am a McCoyaholic. I haven't bought a new piece in a=
 week and I'm starting to jones for my next one. It started innocently enou=
gh, with a small green planter. Since then, I've collected 20 planters, one=
 in each color. Then I moved on to mixing bowls and vases. I check E-Bay da=
ily for new pieces, always looking for something usual. Its gotten back eno=
ugh that I've gone to flea markets with a sign pinned to my shirt, saying "=
Looking for McCoy pottery". I need help. I kid with that you could never ha=
ve too much McCoy, is there such a thing. If there's others like me out the=
re that can commiserate, let me know maybe we can start a support group.  S=
incerely, Julie P.

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