[Mccoypottery-talk] Introduction
Rachel Lugo
Wed, 18 Feb 2004 17:30:47 -0800
Julie, that is hilarious!
I don't post here often myself, but I wanted to introduce myself also "My
name is Rachel and I'm a McCoyaholic".....there I did it.
I only have about 65 pieces, and I've been on a hiatus here for the last six
months or so from buying only because I'm running out of room but I look
My latest is the Springwood collection, I have six out of the eight they
made in all three colors.
Oh and the tiny basket weave planters for my windowsill, a nice purple one
would be nice, and maybe brown....there are 9 there now and another is in my
master bath holding my perfume samples....so another three would probably do
to fill up the sill. :)
>I figured since everyone else was introducing themselves I would too. Hi,
>my name is Julie and I am a McCoyaholic. I haven't bought a new piece in a
>week and I'm starting to jones for my next one. It started innocently
>enough, with a small green planter. Since then, I've collected 20 planters,
>one in each color. Then I moved on to mixing bowls and vases. I check E-Bay
>daily for new pieces, always looking for something usual. Its gotten back
>enough that I've gone to flea markets with a sign pinned to my shirt,
>saying "Looking for McCoy pottery". I need help. I kid with that you could
>never have too much McCoy, is there such a thing. If there's others like me
>out there that can commiserate, let me know maybe we can start a support
>group. Sincerely, Julie P.
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