[Mccoypottery-talk] off topic (need suggestions)
Mark Jennings
Sat, 17 Jul 2004 00:40:45 -0500
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Elizabeth, I understand what you mean about the principle of the
thing. The piece that I mentioned which came to me broken was only
$5. Actually, it was 4 McCoy planters in one "lot/box" for $20.00. The
seller did a poor packing job. All of them being in one box wasn't really
the problem because she put packing material between each one - on the
inside, that is. The problem was that she "packed" one of them right next
to the edge/side of the box with nothing between it and the box itself. It
arrived damaged, of course ... broken "clean in two," as they say. As I
said, I paid the extra for the insurance, so when I found out that she
didn't buy the insurance for me, I didn't appreciate it.
There's more to this whole story than I've told here, like ... how long it
took me to get her to respond --- then, how many times we emailed each
other --- her accusing me of "being mixed up with another seller" --- then
of being a liar to "get it for $5.00 cheaper" --- then me finally proving
it by borrowing a digital camera (before I had one of my own) and emailing
pictures to her, etc., etc., etc. *SIGH* ..... a very, very frustrating
thing to have happen over $5.00. But as you say, Elizabeth, the money's
not the real issue.
At 11:12 PM 7/16/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>I got a nasty negative feedback recently and a nasty email because I had
>left negative feedback when I had had no response to my email, an ebay
>invoice and a payment reminder. I usually wait 30 days for a payment,
>but I had given up on this one after about 3 weeks. I left a response
>to his feedback and a follow-up to what I had left for him. Granted it
>was only a postcard, but it was the principle of it all. I happened to
>have a duplicate of the card so just sent it to him for free even though
>he said he didn't want it. We'll see what happens next.
>My eBay: http://members.ebay.com/aboutme/wyandotkid/
>My web site: http://collectalotshop.com/lizspostcardsandthings/
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