[Mccoypottery-talk] places to Mcshop (was: Nashville)

Mark Jennings mjtn@charter.net
Sat, 26 Jun 2004 16:46:30 -0500

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Thanks a lot, Hope.  I'll definitely have to go to Sweet Retreats in Bell 
Buckle after we get back from New England.  Is the McCoy there very 
pricey?  I had the pleasure of meeting Warren one time at an auction.  He's 
a great guy.  He showed me some pictures of his collection.  He and his 
wife have some *great* stuff!  I've heard that the RC Cola and Moon Pie 
festival is lots of fun.  It's an annual thing, right?  Tullahoma isn't 
really all that far from me.  Your cabin sounds wonderful.  It's so nice to 
have a place to get away.  My family has a place on the Tennessee river in 
north Alabama.  (My county borders that county [Lauderdale] in AL).  My 
kids love it, and most of the rest of my family.  My parents love relaxing 
in the cabin, or under the trees, or getting out on the river, puttering 
around in the boat.  My younger brother, my kids and my nephews love the 
"sea-doos" - or whatever they're called - but I'd like a "cabin in the 
hills" kind of a place better.  I've never been a sun & water kind of guy. 
.....  But I was out-numbered.


At 02:00 PM 6/26/2004 -0700, you wrote:

>Go to Sweet Retreats first. I have been contacted by Warren and apparently 
>most of the pottery in that mall is his! I have several pieces from there 
>sitting on my shelves right now. That is just too cool. The other two big 
>malls there also have a bunch. I have gotten quite a few, including an 
>awesome 8 gallon crock from the Livery Stable. The town is very small and 
>everything is very easy to find. Every year they have the RC and Moon Pie 
>festival, which is totally fun. I have a weekend/retirement cabin in 
>Manchester near Normandy Lake. My husband and I spend most of our weekends 
>searching for new malls to McHunt. Tullahoma also has a couple of malls 
>where we have found very reasonably priced McTreasures.

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