[Mccoypottery-talk] Hi, fraud, ebay...

timbuckto@webtv.net timbuckto@webtv.net
Tue, 2 Mar 2004 20:39:27 -0500 (EST)

Hi everyone... I think I'm gonna start getting the psts as they come up,
I now get them in digest and well, the conversation is over by the time
I hear about it...lol Is that what most of yas do?
    I personally like ebay, I too have learned alot, and have met alot
of really nice ppl that i continue to talk with long after the sale/buy
is over. I am a buyer, not a seller...yet.. I knw how bad it is when you
want to trust in ppl but are afraid to. I believe I am partially
responsible for "GlassofDeciet" or Glassoffaith going completely
"Private" i gave him 2 negatives and right after that, he disapeared for
awhile, then came back with everything private "private auction, private
buyrs names, and private feedback.. I feel so bad :-( hehe He ALMOST
sold me 2 items and i got wise at the very last moment. (i was still new
to ebay) when i confronted him about their being "Vintage pcs" he told
me i didnt have to go thru with the deal, no hard feelings... well i
wrote a few ppl he had sold to, and when i talked with one very nice
lady and found out he had the nerve to wish her and her family "iLL
Health" (cancer to be exact) I seen RED! and sice i hadnt filled out his
feedback yet... I let him have it... which he retaliated by givig me 2
negs.. ebay sent me 2 warnigs for no pay, but i was smart enough to save
his mail that told me the deal was off.. ebay then reversed my warnings,
but as we all know, tey cant erase negatives.. Now i want yas toknow.. I
am NOT one to give negatives, i feel that every effort should be tried
to fix any ANY problems between buyer and seller... but I dont feel bad
about giving negs to glassofdeciet... OK.. gotta cut it short.. sorry
ya'll... Tim

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