[Mccoypottery-talk] Photos for selling on ebay, etc.

ACP acpearce@io.com
Tue, 16 Mar 2004 21:35:38 -0600

Hmmmm.  It seems the choice is to either
1) get revenge or
2) help fix the problem
Personally, I'd like to have both, but since I can't, I guess
my choice would be to try to fix the problem. 

It looks like the auto industry eventually faired pretty well --
it even started a new, higher quality car.  But with few (if
any) exceptions, they are all still gas guzzlers and are again,
shooting us in the foot.   Would I buy a car priced the same
as today's typical car, which made use of both gasoline and
alternative energy?   You bet I would -- no matter which
country made it. 

Don't get me wrong -- I know the factory workers do not
make the decision to make destructive or inferior products --
management does.  So, instead of being glad the rest of
the economy is in free fall, why not address the real issue --
preferential treatment for US corporations over US citizens. 

There is no doubt that the free trade movement started the
demise of the US.    However, the downhill slide has become
a massive landslide and  as long as people vote for ANY
current politician, he/she is supporting the status quo.
I grew up in the 60s and 70s, too.  ;-)

Ok.  I'll get off my soap box now. 
Alyce Walters wrote:

> I usually don't respond to these messages, but maybe all you techies 
> should have given a little more thought to "outsourcing" when you were 
> buying Japanese cars, and putting your neighbors who worked in 
> factories out of work years ago..now the shoe is on the techie 
> foot...Hurts, doesn't it, when you can't support YOUR families in a 
> comfortable style because some foreigner who lives in a mud hut takes 
> YOUR jobs! Serves you right. Next time, buy American, and VOTE for 
> politicians who don't ship jobs overseas. It all started with the auto 
> industry years ago, and I'm old enough, and smart enough,  to know 
> what I'm talking about.  YOU helped put my brothers and sons out of 
> work...now how do YOU like it? Get ready to flip burgers and take tips 
>     >From: ACP >Reply-To: mccoypottery-talk@lists.mccoypottery.com
>     >To: mccoypottery-talk@lists.mccoypottery.com >Subject: Re:
>     [Mccoypottery-talk] Photos for selling on ebay, etc. >Date: Tue,
>     16 Mar 2004 20:13:16 -0600 >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Received: from
>     mc2-f10.hotmail.com ([]) by mc2-s19.hotmail.com with
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>     with ESMTP id i2H2JkR01987for ; Tue, 16 Mar 2004 20:19:46 -0600
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>     id i2H2IgoH007512;Tue, 16 Mar 2004 18:18:43 -0800 (PST)
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>     >X-OriginalArrivalTime: 17 Mar 2004 02:20:49.0414 (UTC)
>     FILETIME=[76954260:01C40BC6] > >Ohio Pottery & Glassware wrote: >
>     >>I have my 2 domains through Network Solutions (do a google
>     search >>for them).  They aren't as cheap as some of the others
>     but they are >>in Atlanta, they all speak English when they answer
>     the phone and >>they aren't outsourced to some foreign country.
>     >>I'm not being prejudiced here, just that I believe in American
>     >>Companies and American English when I call them.  And a LOT of
>     >>these web companies are in foreign countries with outsourcing to
>     >>Indonesia, or wherever which means when you call for help, you
>     >>can't understand a word they say! >> >Yes, yes, yes!!!  That is
>     exactly right.  Thank you so much. I'm >very glad to hear someone,
>     besides we in the high tech >industry, becoming aware of this. >
>     >And BTW -- most of the people/programming outsourcing is >going
>     to India, right now.  Factory jobs are going to China >and
>     Indonesia and Korea. > >Now that my (and possibly your) bank
>     records are in India, >I no longer feel comfortable using Bank of
>     America, either.  ;-) > >acp >------------- > > >-------------

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