[Mccoypottery-talk] trademark

mccoy@mccoypottery.com mccoy@mccoypottery.com
Mon, 29 Mar 2004 11:52:23 -0600 (CST)

Once again the trademark requires a single applicant. A group by the rules
defeats the purpose of ownership. A group can not own or register the
trademark. Taking donations to do so goes against the rule also. Who is
the applicant, and who would pay the legal costs to establish the
organization that does interstate commerce with the mark on the product
and the advertising, and the containers it is packaged in.  Does this
start to make sense about why the registering of a mark is made not so
easy as putting down a few hundred dollars. The us patent and trademark
office is very exact about this and takes very serious that the
registration is for commercial use so as not to allow someone to protect
the mark from others using a mark and keeping it from being used by others
just to keep the fayes and jensens of the ebay world from doing so.
Cheers!  Terry

> I can't contribute to legal discussions about patent or trademark laws.  I
> can't put Jensen out of business.  But if someone on this list
> could............  YES!  I would donate money!!  How many people on this
> list??  How many would donate time or research or money or knowledge???
> Maybe I am being Pollyanna about the whole situation.  But why don't we do
> something?
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: McQuita@aol.com
>   To: mccoypottery-talk@lists.mccoypottery.com
>   Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 10:58 AM
>   Subject: Re: [Mccoypottery-talk] trademark
>   Do you have any idea what would be involved with this type of
> undertaking...the expense...?

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