[Mccoypottery-talk] a new mcfake??

Tim Harlan tharlan@twinvalley.net
Mon, 10 May 2004 19:53:08 -0500

the only way is to be as knowledgeable as possible.    Study the reference =
books,  try to get a feel for the real thing.    Color of glaze,  detailing=
,  weight, and realizing that McCoy never made certain things.    I know th=
at is a simplified answer, but it is what I am striving to do.=20=20=20=20
   Its hard to be sure by looking at pictures on ebay of some of these fake=
s.  In those cases, look closely at the seller,  see what else he is sellin=
g.   Does he have more than one "Rare" item listed?,   Is his feedback and =
bidder list private?
   If all else fails, ask on this talk list.    There are some real experts=
 on here.
Good luck.
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Ben Jackson=20
  To: mccoypottery-talk@lists.mccoypottery.com=20
  Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 6:52 PM
  Subject: Re: [Mccoypottery-talk] a new mcfake??

  Is there any way to identify these fakes?  Ben

  --- BigBVideo@aol.com wrote:
  > Yes it's a fake. It's from Rosso Wholesale Glass
  > The seller has 2 of them listed.
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