[Mccoypottery-talk] Item 3724062756

Kevin Reffitt kreffitt@pbtcomm.net
Sat, 22 May 2004 01:11:51 -0400

I've already taken enough hits on this one from eBay, so if you/anyone can=
pick this one up and email the bidders and let them know, that might stop=
this one in it's tracks.

I had already emailed the current high bidder, but had to be a little vague=
due to my current status with eBay.  I didn't hear back, probably because I=
had to be so vague. If someone can contact the two high bidders and be a=20
bit more direct with the truth about this jar, that might do it.

At 11:52 PM 5/21/04, you wrote:
>Need any help emailing bidders.  Let me know.
>david mcCoy wrote:
>>Agrees with Kevin.....Should we let him/her/IT know
>>--- Kevin Reffitt <mailto:kreffitt@pbtcomm.net><kreffitt@pbtcomm.net> wro=
>>>Has anyone seen Sillygoose's 3724062756 McCoy jar
>>>She's got bids up to over $200.00 now.  Anyone
>>>willing to start emailing
>>>the bidders on this?  I'm just sick with this one.
>>>She needs a root canal?  I hope her dang teeth fall
>>>I'm just sick...
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