[Mccoypottery-talk] Cookie Jar question, OT, Prob. not McCoy

david mcCoy damitboy@yahoo.com
Fri, 1 Oct 2004 19:07:33 -0700 (PDT)

I just looked in Ermagene Westfall's 2001 book, nothing like it. 
Any chance of pics?

Ohio Pottery & Glassware <Capriherb@earthlink.net> wrote:
I had a customer come in today and asked me about a cookie jar that she has owned for 30 years.  She says it's a blue mouse with a pink belly and the head of the mouse is the top.
Any ideas?  She is coming back by tomorrow and I told her I would ask you experts.  I have looked in my books...... no luck!
Jennifer Smith
Ohio Pottery & Glassware
502 E. Main St.
Lancaster, OH  43130
PH:  740-654-6999
on eBay:  http://stores.ebay.com/Ohio-Pottery-and-Glassware 

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