[Mccoypottery-talk] new scam
Michael/Hope Burt
Wed, 6 Oct 2004 18:14:07 -0700 (PDT)
Hey Everybody -
Please beware! There is a new spoof email going around and it almost got me. I got a "receipt" from paypal that looked exactly like the ones you get when you pay for something. Only it was for 278.00 for something I didn't buy. It says to click on the link below if I didn't authorize that payment. When I clicked on it, I put in my paypal ID & password. Then it immediately asked me for all my credit card info. That is what tipped me off. I went through ebay and then logged onto paypal and checked my account history, and there was no such payment made. I then quickly went in and changed my password since I had given it. That is really tricky! Please be careful.
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