[Mccoypottery-talk] live and learn
Tim Harlan
Sun, 24 Oct 2004 12:06:14 -0500
""Did you mean that all wall pockets in general were
unmarked or just the leaves and berries? I have a Lady
with Bonnet that I know is real that does have McCoy
on the back.""
Walter: According to my book "McCoy Pottery Wall Pockets and Decorations" =
by Nissen, , McCoy didn't mark the leaves and berries but other Mc=
Coy wallpockets may be marked. Also the one I bought is in a glaze color=
which McCoy didn't use. (This should have been my first clue).
As you do, I also have other legitimate wall pockets that are marked=
. Sure makes it hard for this ole farmer to remember which are which.
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