USA Question
To: Elizabeth Vaughn and McFriends:
I have recently purchased a twenty piece dishware set at auction. A =
collector friend tells me it may be McCoy; however, there are no =
trademarks on any of the pieces. I have four digital photos which I =
would love to share with anyone wanting to have a look at my =
acquisition. The set consists of eight cups, seven saucers, four =
serving dishes, and one butter dish. I bought the set because the =
design is unique, looks like 1950's or earlier, and because it is in =
mint condition and has a lovely glaze. Here's a brief description. =
Color: Off white & dark chocolate brown, almost ebony. The chocolate =
color is applied in strokes with a broad paint brush, each line in a =
curved upward movement, leaving fine gaps on the vanilla colored surface =
underneath. This gives the effect of a reverse pattern of delicate =
white curved striping. Also present is a delicate stenciled line =
pattern of leaves & branches, which has a look of free hand art. =
Shapes: The set is either oblong or oval in appearance. The casserole =
dish is a softly shaped oval with handles and a lid (9"). There is a =
double, or joined, serving dish which reminds me of two large =
asymmetrical almonds, each "almond" being 8 3/4" long. The additional =
casserole-serving dish is 11 1/2" and lidless. The small serving dish =
is 7 1/2" long. The butter dish swerves upward into a lip at the back =
with the word "butter" written on it. Eight ounce cups, and saucers =
measure 5 1/4" long X 4 3/4" wide.
To all who answer this S.O.S., your help is greatly appreciated.
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