[Mccoypottery-talk] general computer stuff. was: Ebay Spoof

david mcCoy damitboy@yahoo.com
Thu, 17 Feb 2005 16:47:45 -0800 (PST)

I run spybot search and destroy once every couple of days, it seems to work for me. It is available for free at spybot.com.
all that other stuff in the thread has given me a headache, I'm gonna drink a beer now, lol.

"McCoyPottery.com List Mom" <listmom@mccoypottery.com> wrote:

On Feb 17, 2005, at 5:28 PM, mjtn@charter.net wrote:

>> Solutions:
>>> 1. Don't click on the link in the message
>>> 2. Don't use Outlook
>>> 3. Don't use Windows
> This is so not about McCoy, but since this topic applies to everyone 
> with an online computer, I thought I'd share.

True, but it certainly does apply where as it concerns people on this 
group (many of a non-technical nature) that need to be aware of scams 
and other issues as it concerns the net, looking for pottery, using 
eBay whatever. It's a little off topic, but believe me, not as bad as 
some of the lists I am on.

I moderate quite loosely if you all have not noticed, mainly because 
things rarely get too out of hand here.

Anyway, good information :-)

The List Mom
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