[Mccoypottery-talk] OT - BEWARE!

mjtn@charter.net mjtn@charter.net
Mon, 03 Jan 2005 18:59:18 -0600

You're right, Elizabeth.   All the organizations they listed are 
legitimate, as far as I know.  In fact, they took them straight off the 
U.S. Government's website of legitimate organizations.  The reason I know 
that is because I went to the Gov's website this afternoon, just before 
receiving the scam artist's e-mail that I forwarded.  The person(s) who 
sent me the bogus e-mail have *nothing whatsoever* to do with those legit. 
organizations.  They list them in the body of the e-mail because that's 
part of their scam - to throw you off.  They wanted me to donate to *them* 
so they could then "distribute" it to the legit. ones.  (or something to 
that affect).

The point is ... watch out.

At 06:44 PM 1/3/2005 -0500, you wrote:

>Some of the agencies listed seem to be legitimate.  However, it is very
>suspicious and despicable if it is a scam.
>Last week our Columbus Dispatch had a column long list of legitimate
>agencies, and the networks have lists on their web sites.  Personally,
>we sent a contribution through Lutheran World Relief, but there are
>Catholic, Jewish, and may other known agencies that would be a safe way
>to contribute.

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