[Mccoypottery-talk] LOY-NEL-A McCOY

david mcCoy damitboy@yahoo.com
Sat, 1 Oct 2005 11:47:35 -0700 (PDT)

It sounds as if you have a piece of "loy-nel-art" mccoy. It was made by JW McCoy, between 1905 and 1910. It was named loy-nel-art for his sons names, Lloyd, Nelson and Arthur.
Does it happen to have another name on the bottom? Some of the loy-nel-art pieces were marked with a "line" name, indicating the particular line that was made.
I hope this helps a bit. Let me know if I can do anything else :)

jimann@bellsouth.net wrote:
Hello there,

I have inherited a very old bowl-shaped footed planter (jardiniere?) with the words LOY-NEL-A on one line and McCOY stamped below on the bottom. It is 7.5" tall and 9.5" wide at the widest. The glaze is glossy in dark earthy tones ranging from a coppery brown to an olive green. On the front of the piece are beautifully hand-painted (in glazes) grapes & vine leaves, again in earth tones. Can anyone give me some history on this piece? There are none of the regular McCoy pottery marks on the bottom and I have found nothing even remotely like it on Ebay.
Thank you,

Jim Ann

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