[Mccoypottery-talk] McCoy

ELIZABETH VAUGHN revaughn@webtv.net
Tue, 06 Sep 2005 13:01:01 GMT

Dave C.:

I am not an authority on cookie jars, but I do have books on a number of types of pottery and also books on just cookie jars.  If you want to send me photos, I will check them when I have time and get back to you.

-----Original Message-----
From: dave c
Sent: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 19:32:53 -0700
To: mccoypottery-talk@lists.mccoypottery.com
Subject: Re: [Mccoypottery-talk] McCoy

Our's could  be a fake also, but we have seen it listed so many times in 
different catalogs as a McCoy. As we've stated before the last catalog we 
looked at was at Barnes and Noble and it's stated value was in excess of 
$2000.00. Man, what a firestorm we have started.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "david mcCoy" <damitboy@yahoo.com>
To: <mccoypottery-talk@lists.mccoypottery.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Mccoypottery-talk] McCoy

>I just saw a bottom of a cookie jar on ebay, the number is 6206057292
> Does it look anything like this?
> Dave
> dave c <dcorcoran@kmtel.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> Don't know if it helps, but we've had this cookie jar since the early 
> 1960s.
> The brown cow is on the lid. There is a black space ship and a yellow
> planet (Saturn?) to either side of the flasher face with a brown house 
> with
> black smoke coming from the chimney and a brown barn with green mountains
> behind, below the flasher face. The background is light blue with some
> whiter clouds on the front of the jar only. The rest of the jar is plain
> white. The flasher face is 2 1/2 inches wide and is recessed into the jar.
> It has round rosy red cheeks, big blue eyes with lashes and red li ps that
> alternate between a pucker and a smile. The eyes also alternate between
> looking straight ahead and to the side. Any info would be appreciated.
> Thanks, Dave C
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From:
> To: ;
> Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 7:17 AM
> Subject: Re: [Mccoypottery-talk] McCoy
>> I'd need to see a photo, but I agree with Elizabeth, except the original
>> maker was RRPC wasn't it?
>> And I have it signed McCoy, crazing and all..... the reason I'm on this
>> list cause I know mine is a fake....;)
>>> [Original Message]
>>> To:
>>> Date: 9/4/2005 7:49:59 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [Mccoypottery-talk] McCoy
>>> I think that Brush made that cookie jar. I know that it has been
>> reproduced, but I am not a cookie jar expert so might not be able to tell
>> if what the questioner has is a repro.
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