Cataloging Collection
Lee Peedin
Tue, 1 Dec 1998 21:29:16 -0500 (EST)
Thought I'd share my experience on
cataloging my collection. I first started
with MS Power Point and created a slide for
each item. I then inserted a picture of
each piece along with a text box that had the
Mark, Cost, Where I found it, etc.; however,
PP has so much overhead that I very quickly
had a file over 75 Meg.
I then set up a speadsheet (old faithful) in
Excel. I wanted to be able to view the
digital picture that went with each listing
so I started out inserting the picture in a
cell, but that too caused a hugh file. Then
I discovered HyperLinks. Excel is expecting
a hyperlink to be to a web site or another
MS Office file, but you can point it to any
file type.
Now all I have to do is click on the cell
and the picture appears. It was a bit time
consuming to enter the 120+ items, but it
shouldn't be too hard to keep updated.
If anyone else has some thoughts on
cataloging or would like more info on what I
did, please share.
Lee in NC
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