Re[2]: Cataloging Collection

Lee Peedin
Wed, 2 Dec 1998 21:03:29 -0500 (EST)

Sorry about that computer lingo, but I live
with these things all day.  The applications
I were referring to are part of the MicroSoft
Office Suite.  If you've got it, you got some
powerful tools.  If you don't and have
survived so far without it, then you're
probably better off - it's kinda expensive.

As far as cataloging, I guess that's just a
personal desire.  Right now I could tell you
where every piece of our collection came
>from and how much we paid for it, but as I
get older and the collection grows, I was
afraid I'd lose track.  My main purpose was
so that my children and grandchildren (if we
ever have any) will know which pieces are
'family' and which ones where purchased.

Speaking of 'family' pieces, I have a small
planter (Dutch Girl with sprinkler beside
fence) and a wall pocket (Bird House with 2
blue birds) that are only marked USA. 
Recently while scanning through the
Schroders Price Guide I found both of these
described in the Shawnee section.  Was
pleased to find out what they were.  They
both belonged to my Grandmother and my
Father says they've been around as long as he
can remember.  The Dutch Girl planter still
has the price tag on the bottom (.25)
During Thanksgiving I was looking at a
picture of my Grandparents and guess what
was setting on the table - a matte white
lamp.  I remembered it when I saw the
picture, but no one seems to know where it
is now.  

Who was it that was looking for the white
lamp - must it be McCoy or will any 'old'
lamp do.  Will keep my eye out at the

Good night

Lee in NC


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