Cataloging Collection
List Mom
Thu, 3 Dec 98 12:53:57 -0600
Lee Peedin said
>Thought I'd share my experience on
>cataloging my collection. I first started
>with MS Power Point and created a slide for
>each item. I then inserted a picture of
>each piece along with a text box that had the
>Mark, Cost, Where I found it, etc.; however,
>PP has so much overhead that I very quickly
>had a file over 75 Meg.
>I then set up a speadsheet (old faithful) in
>Excel. I wanted to be able to view the
>digital picture that went with each listing
>so I started out inserting the picture in a
>cell, but that too caused a hugh file. Then
>I discovered HyperLinks. Excel is expecting
>a hyperlink to be to a web site or another
>MS Office file, but you can point it to any
>file type.
>Now all I have to do is click on the cell
>and the picture appears. It was a bit time
>consuming to enter the 120+ items, but it
>shouldn't be too hard to keep updated.
>If anyone else has some thoughts on
>cataloging or would like more info on what I
>did, please share.
well at the McCoyPottery Online Site we currently use Claris Filemaker
Pro and Claris Homepage to run and maintain the online site with
Pictures, info etc. Cataloging our database for search is handled by
WebStar Search, and is going to be moved to Phantom soon, which will give
the sites search engine the look of Excite online. One way to keep your
database down in size is to make the images only 72 DPI, since I don't
think you are going to be doing high quality printing of these images,
only viewing them. They only need to be 72 DPI since the screen only
displays them at this resolution. An image at 1200 DPI takes up a lot
more space and is not viewed any more than the 72 DPI screen resolution.
You might look into Filemaker for your data base, or SQL, Oracle etc., We
use Filemaker on the Mac, however there is a PC version as well.
The List Mom
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