Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Ramadaan(sp.)

Wed, 23 Dec 1998 22:58:49 -0500 (EST)

Thank you for your kind words.  I never had to sacrifice much, unless
you can call rationing by that name.  I have been a very fortunate
person who grew up on a farm where there was always plenty.  I think we
may not have been as well off as it seemed when I look back, but what
dioes a little kid know.  I was blessed with parents (and my mother is
still living at 92) , but that is a whole other story.  To make it
brief, she and my father were seriously injured in a car accident in
1982l  She wasn't expected to live, and my parents'  independent life
came to an abrupt end. Shortly after their 60th wedding anninversary and
on her 85h birthday, my father died.  They were in the same nursing home
where she still lives, and he was almost 87.   Also had all 4
grandparents until a few weeks before  I finished college (another
blessing-education).  I've rambled on too long, and now it is time for`
I have come to meet and know many nice people in my lifetime.  I guess
I'm naive or an optimist or both.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the McCoy people.  Most of the
ones we've met in  the years we've gone to Zanesville are really great,
and now I feel as though there are new friends out there I may never
meet except through this webTV.
Elizabeth Vaughn  


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