Elizabeth's McCoy Pottery Reference Guides
Terry Kinsey
Fri, 6 Nov 1998 12:56:57 -0600
>How much of a hassle would it be for you to list your ref. guides by
>name, author, publisher, publishing date, etc. I know you have said that
>some were out of print, etc., but it still might be nice to know.
>Regarding being squeezed out by one's collection...I'm up to about 130
>assorted pieces and always watching out to add to it. My wife started
>about 10 or 15 years ago and anymore I watch for it alot more than she
>does. One of the first pieces I stumbled home with years ago is the vase
>shown on pg. 219 of the H.N.H. book top right, it wasn't until years
>later I new what it was. Most recently came home from a very wet, very
>cold, outdoor fall auction with a few nice pieces, pg. 213 bottom
>"Centerpiece" in mother of pearl (haven't ever seen that one before) and
>pg. 55 top in the darker green, among others. Lousy weather sometimes
>makes for a good hunting day. My sister (and main auction partner)
>thought I was nuts until I showed up with the loot. I couldn't bring
>myself to sell this stuff so I'm going to just add on...The plans are
Hello Bob: I tell you what, McCoy Pottery On LIne will post this info on
the site at the folowing URL:
We have all of the info and will do so so it will always be there. I will
advise the List Mom to do so soon, however some of it is already there.
Cheers! Terry
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