Cow With a Cat on it's Back

List Mom
Tue, 17 Nov 98 13:48:14 -0600

Mark Necaise said

>Hello All,
>  I need some help.  I've purchased the subject cookie jar but it was
>damaged during shipment.  It was insured but I have to provide proof
>of it's worth.  Does anyone have the Sanford book or another with the
>listing in it.  I was told it's in there but I haven't got a book
>"yet" (In the works).  If you do, I would very much be appreciative if
>I could get the page sent to me as an attachment in email, fax, or in
>the mail.  I would pay for the expense accured.
>  Thanks in advance.

Ok, how much was it insured for?  Typically at the time of shipping you 
buy insurance based on how much the sender puts down as the value of the 
merchandise being shipped.  If it was insured for $300.00 then $300.00 
would be what you would get.  If it was insured for $10.00 but was worth 
$300.00, then you would get the insured amount of $10.00.  (I'm not 
saying this item is worth $300, this is just for the sake of example.)  
The best course of action is to contact the carrier and find out what the 
insured amount was,(or look at the shipping label) as this is what you 
should be getting as compensation.  There need not be any burden of proof 
on the value/s since you pay for the insurance based on the amount 
specified. ie $10.00 worth of insurance does not cost as much as $300.00 

The main reason I say all this, is that it is hard to assess a price on 
these types of things.  What "worth" really comes done to is not how much 
any expert/dealer/book says, but how much someone is willing to pay for 
it.  Therefore, you should be entitled to no more than what you paid for 
it, assuming that the insurance at the time of shipping was metered 
accordingly with the price valued on the object by the sender or as 

hope this helps


The List Mom

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