Daniel E. Beeler
Sun, 04 Oct 1998 21:49:04 -0700
I have been watching this service for awhile now, and I see only one
problem which must be attended to. List Mom, I take it that you are the
Administrator for this group. I would like to see you administer some
basic ' Rules of the Road'. If people use profanity or constantly cause
disruptions...lose them. If people cannot show common courtesy...lose
them. If people cannot follow rules ( I assume you're still working that
out)...lose them. If you, and the wonderful group you purport to
support, cannot reach some sort of accord on the rules...lose the site
because it is not doing what it is supposed to do. Things can be that
simple. I try to help people, especially the new ones, because I began
my love of collecting with good teachers. They neither critisized me for
the blunders we all make as we start out, nor was the almighty dollar
the only reason they collected. My teachers did it for the thrill of
piecing together a part of history they were never a part of. So, keep
this ion mind and maybe, just maybe, things will work out. I will be
watching, and participating as time permits. Hang in there and make it
Dan in Michigan
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