Hello All
Lee Peedin
Thu, 8 Oct 1998 19:56:49 -0400 (EDT)
Been somewhat out of touch this week with
Revival meetings every night.
There is an old railroad town near me (Selma,
NC) that was all but a ghost town until
recently when someone had the bright idea of
turning it into an antiques town. Now there
are over 20 renovated buildings housing
antiques and another 12-15 in the process.
As is the case in most all these type shops,
the prices are a bit high, but it they
provide some great browsing.
Last weekend, the town had its annual R/R
days celebration and invited antique dealers
>from all over to set up on the streets. What
a bonanza! Came home with 15 new additions
at very reasonable prices.
Had one of the "experts" to appraise a piece
I bought several years ago at a flea market
for $3.00 - It is signed, but no one has been
able to identify it. The expert said it was
definately North Carolina Pottery ( color of
the sand) and it was produced between 1890 &
1900. Due to it's bright white glaze he
appraised it at $60-$70. Guess I got lucky
on this one, but would really like to find
someone who could identify the signature. It
doesn't show up clearly enough in a picture.
The only way to get a good image is do a
pencil etching. If anyone thinks they might
could help, please let me know - not going
to attach anymore pictures to messages on
the list (ha).
Hope everyone has a great evening in
preparation for a weekend of "hunting".
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