McCoyPottery Online Web Cam is dead!

List Mom
Sun, 11 Oct 98 19:11:19 -0500

ELIZABETH VAUGHN said on 10/11/98 6:50 PM

>We're new to all this.  What is a web cam and how does it affect the
>McCoy Talk list?  Can we still send messages to the LIst and receive
>them?  Sorry for my ignorance in this matter.  Elizabeth
The web cam will not affect the list... A web cam is what it is:  A Video 
Camera that is connected to the internet in such a way that you can view 
live images online through your web browser.  We have had one running on 
our web site at for over a year.  What we did was 
put different McCoy Pieces from our collection in front of the cam so 
that people could veiw the pieces on line.  

For some examples of working cams go here  (the 
McCoyPottery Web Cam won the "Web Cam of the Day" Award back in April)

hope this helps


The List Mom

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