G Niesen
Thu, 17 Sep 1998 10:46:50 -0400
SlplsinMi@aol.com wrote:
> Hi Karen. Have we done business together or at least did some bidding with
> each other? I've seen your name a few places. Anyway, I love collecting. I've
> had so much pottery over the years that I'm finally clearing out everything
> but my McCoy and a few American Bisque cookie jars that have been given to me
> as gifts. I collect cookie jars and early pitchers and some baskets. I'm going
> to scour my community paper as soon as it comes for the end of summer garage
> sales and maybe have a good day!!!!! I've discovered that at flea markets and
> estate sales, they put these incredible prices on cookie jars even if they're
> chipped and missing chunks, or worse, I've known unscrupulous dealers to call
> something a "rare" McCoy and you know it's not, but a novice gets taken. It's
> good to have the books and be familiar with the pictures and the values. I've
> heard of the new Sanford book, (I thought I was ordering that one, but turned
> out I ordered something different). I may shill out the $40+ and buy it.
> Anyone, love to hear others experiences in their adventures in pottery
> collecting. Nice talkin' to ya. Sheryl
Hi Sheryl,
My passion is Mccoy, obviously!! Anyway, a quick story, I went to an
estate sale earlier this summer in my hometown in Michigan. It turned
out that there was a Mccoy vase there in mint condition that was well
worth the asking price but I wasn't willing to pay it. I put a bid for
it because the next day if it didm't sell I might be the high bidder.
Well, I put half of what she was asking for it, and do you know that the
following day the gal called bright and early to say it was mine!!!! I
was thrilled to say the least. I can't believe that a collector didn't
come along and snatch it up. It's beautiful!! It stands 10 in. tall,
turquoise in color, matte finish(which I adore) and can be found in the
old huxford book on pg. 199 bottom row, middle vase. Gorgeous!!!! So,
every once in a great while along comes a deal that I can be pleased
with. Enjoy hearing from you.
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