KenDrose@aol.com KenDrose@aol.com
Wed, 14 Apr 1999 01:34:15 EDT

I agree completely. When we see McCoy on eBay that doesn't seem to be getting 
the kind of bids we think it should, we immediately check it out. One item 
recently stated Money Orders Only. There is nothing wrong with requesting 
Money Orders only, but I consider it a flag. I didn't question the seller, 
but checked the feedback, and sure enough there was a recent complaint.

I checked  Safe Harbor yesterday in my spare time :-) , I don't remember the 
exact words, but it was something to the effect of eBay insuring with Lloyd's 
of London, sells up to $200.00 with a $25.00 deductible. I don't understand 
all I know
about it, but this sounded pretty good to me. I think this is the price range 
most people could get hurt in.  Maybe someone who has not just returned from 
a much needed vacation, with a lot of dirty laundry and pottery to clean, or 
maybe I should put first things first. Pottery to clean and lots of dirty 
laundry, will understand and interrupt the Safe Harbor note better than I did.

Kendall (On the night watch, neighbors watching us unload our latest stash of 
Priceless McCoy Pottery [LOL.)


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