A WORD OF WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bob and DeeDee Cook bigben@aci.net
Fri, 12 Mar 1999 17:41:26 -0800

O.K.....let me catch my breath...hold on...O.K.....I can talk now....HERE IS
To all of you thinking of throwing in a load of laundry into the dryer and
then running up to the 7-11 for a 6-pack....LET ME TELL YOU WHAT JUST
HAPPENED TO ME !!!!......I throw the clothes in...sit back down at my trusty
puter...when suddenly the smoke comes into the room where I sit....LOTS OF
SMOKE....yet NO smoke alarms for what seemed like a million minutes....then
ALL HELL breaks lose and off they go, all 7 of them.....I run to the dryer,
open it...and WHAM....FLAMES come shooting OUT at me
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........"OH SHIT"....I yell to myself  (sorry, but that is
what I said....the other word I said is one I can't spell).....So, I unplug
the machine,,,open the cabinet above
the dryer, pull out the fire extinguisher...pull the pin and dust the sucker
!!!....IT DOESN"T HELP.....So I give it a second spray....in the mean time I
am choking from the smoke and getting nausea's from the powder in my lungs
that I am sucking up...from the extinguisher....My clothes are trashed...as
is my dryer....And I want to tell you...I KEEP MY DRYER CLEAN.........SO BE
AWARE....even if you rent and use the community dryers....AND one more
thing....my nose is burned as is my bangs
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......Now you all have a
wonderful night...whilst I get drunk.......
Love, "Never doing Laundry again", DeeDee
P.S.....no, I don't have bad luck !!!.....I know...I know...your all
thinking about the ice thing.....leave me alone !!! :)


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