"counterfeit" mccoy canyon??

Jed Jaworski nwmmm@gtii.com
Sun, 14 Mar 1999 13:56:18 -0500


I doubt anyone is "counterfeiting" Canyon.  You will rarely find two pieces alike,
which, for some is considered a quality.  Canyon was marked with the "McCoy" and
Lancaster Colony mark, a big USA (only), a small USA (only), or in the case of many
plates saucers etc. nothing at all.  The glaze has extreme variations in color,
texture, gloss and overall quality.

I collect and sell this line of McCoy and am working on a complete catalog and



Jill Gemmill wrote:

> Dear friends -
>     I noticed that not all the mccoy canyon saucers I have are made from the same
> mold.  Some have a mark on the back that says usa in small letters; they have a
> ridge that stands UP to indicate where the coffee cup should go  - the others
> have no mark on the back, and have an unridged depression to show where the cup
> should go.
>     Do all mccoy items have some sort of stamp on the back?  The glazes are very
> close (and the canyon glaze has a lot of variation in it, anyway) but the
> unstamped ones seem to be just a bit shinier than the others.
>     Any information you have would be most appreciated.  If they are "varying
> McCoy", I would find that interesting.  If they were "counterfeit", I would find
> that interesting, too.  Thanks in advance.


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