Please don't get mad !!!

Bob and DeeDee Cook
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 16:58:28 -0800

THE WORLD OF MCCOY....We DO have other lives....don't we????.....Oh my
Gosh..for shame, if we talk about something other than McCoy !!!....Come on
kids...lighten up.....What is the problem here anyways??....If you knew me,
it would not be a problem that I send you a joke or something now and then,
but since you don't know me...and this is the "McCoy Talk" then it becomes a
crime,  if I talk about anything other than McCoy...Hey Listen...I get
upwards of 40 e-mails a day...most from friends...stupid jokes that I have
heard a million the adverts....then there is McCoy Talk...out
of all of my messages...very few are from this site......And I look forward
to reading those messages...cuz they are from people who share my
interests....we are all cut from the same mold!!!!!!!!...hehehehe
But,  to  you people who keep sending "hate mail" I say this.....GET A LIFE
!!!!!!!....cuz I am tired of hearing from you.....This is a chat site...If
you don't want to be here....then go away...on the other hand...I shall go
away and start my own, with people who share my love of McCoy but have other
interests as well!!!(don't kick me, on my way out). BUT.........
I thought we were all here to meet each other and get to know each
other..and to share our worlds....If we can't do that..then what is the
I have to tell you this before I jump down off my high horse....I own a
Photography Studio-Wedding Chapel....Yesterday, I did a Wedding of Two
people who met over the Internet , on EBAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!......And, I
thought..while I was performing the Wedding..." They certainly did not meet
on the McCoy Line!!....we can't talk about anything personal
If you got to know some of us....then perhaps you would look forward to
hearing from us....You would know that we ARE lovers of McCoy, but
sometimes....our worlds go outside of McCoy...and that is a part of us
(Jokes and all)....If you had something to sell, I would say.."Hey...thats
JOE..he is a nice guy....I can trust him".....BUT NO....not here....You all
put each other down and get upset if someone speaks about ANYTHING other
than McCoy.....That is SOOOOOO rude!!!
I thought when I joined this talk place (whatever, you call it) that I would
find a place to "GET TO KNOW"....other McCoy junkies..but it seems as though
that is not possible, because of all the "STICK IN THE MUD'S" hate
reading our "Chat"...if it does not pertain  to McCoy and that IS SAD......
And how dare( you) make fun of my "warning other's", about my "dryer
experience"..NO, I did not forget to clean the LINT TRAP.....I had a
electrical problem on my NEW machine...that could have killed my family.
I purposed today "A Yard Sale"..that I thought would be fun.....My goal is
to bring people together...
But, it seems as though a few of you think I am just "not worth hearing
from" and I don't need your "hate" mail any more.
I will sign myself out of this "Chat Site" and move on......I think that
some of you are very rude people...and MOST of you are very nice.....If you
....the nice ones would like to continue to "chat"...I can be reached at
Thank-you for your time,


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