Please don't get mad !!!

Donna Lewis
Fri, 19 Mar 1999 08:46:44 -0600

Please don't let a couple of rotten apples spoil the barrel.  I just
joined this list and have VERY MUCH enjoyed DeeDee's posts.  She's
absolutely right--it should be a place to get to know each other and
share a common interest like McCoy. . . . Let the malcontents get off
the list!

Bring DeeDee back!

Donna in Wisconsin

At 04:58 PM 3/18/99 -0800, you wrote:
>THE WORLD OF MCCOY....We DO have other lives....don't we????.....Oh my
>Gosh..for shame, if we talk about something other than McCoy !!!....Come on
>kids...lighten up.....What is the problem here anyways??....If you knew me,
>it would not be a problem that I send you a joke or something now and then,
>but since you don't know me...and this is the "McCoy Talk" then it becomes a
>crime,  if I talk about anything other than McCoy...Hey Listen...I get
>upwards of 40 e-mails a day...most from friends...stupid jokes that I have
>heard a million the adverts....then there is McCoy Talk...out
>of all of my messages...very few are from this site......And I look forward
>to reading those messages...cuz they are from people who share my
>interests....we are all cut from the same mold!!!!!!!!...hehehehe
>But,  to  you people who keep sending "hate mail" I say this.....GET A LIFE
>!!!!!!!....cuz I am tired of hearing from you.....This is a chat site...If
>you don't want to be here....then go away...on the other hand...I shall go
>away and start my own, with people who share my love of McCoy but have other
>interests as well!!!(don't kick me, on my way out). BUT.........
>I thought we were all here to meet each other and get to know each
>other..and to share our worlds....If we can't do that..then what is the
>I have to tell you this before I jump down off my high horse....I own a
>Photography Studio-Wedding Chapel....Yesterday, I did a Wedding of Two
>people who met over the Internet , on EBAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!......And, I
>thought..while I was performing the Wedding..." They certainly did not meet
>on the McCoy Line!!....we can't talk about anything personal
>If you got to know some of us....then perhaps you would look forward to
>hearing from us....You would know that we ARE lovers of McCoy, but
>sometimes....our worlds go outside of McCoy...and that is a part of us
>(Jokes and all)....If you had something to sell, I would say.."Hey...thats
>JOE..he is a nice guy....I can trust him".....BUT NO....not here....You all
>put each other down and get upset if someone speaks about ANYTHING other
>than McCoy.....That is SOOOOOO rude!!!
>I thought when I joined this talk place (whatever, you call it) that I would
>find a place to "GET TO KNOW"....other McCoy junkies..but it seems as though
>that is not possible, because of all the "STICK IN THE MUD'S" hate
>reading our "Chat"...if it does not pertain  to McCoy and that IS SAD......
>And how dare( you) make fun of my "warning other's", about my "dryer
>experience"..NO, I did not forget to clean the LINT TRAP.....I had a
>electrical problem on my NEW machine...that could have killed my family.
>I purposed today "A Yard Sale"..that I thought would be fun.....My goal is
>to bring people together...
>But, it seems as though a few of you think I am just "not worth hearing
>from" and I don't need your "hate" mail any more.
>I will sign myself out of this "Chat Site" and move on......I think that
>some of you are very rude people...and MOST of you are very nice.....If you
>...the nice ones would like to continue to "chat"...I can be reached at
>Thank-you for your time,


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